There are 3 schools viz secondary/High, primary and Nursury. All these three are government owned.SECONDARY SCHOOL

Partial view of Government High School Dikome Balue

One of the classrooms of Government Secondary school Dikome showing incomplete structure and uncemented floor.
It is quite certain that with the bare and uncemented floor, fleas are very common in the classrooms.
In a nutshell, there are insufficient tutors in the secondary section making the High school section also to be at a stand still since 2008 when the high school section was approved by the Government.
Secondary School Basic requirements:
- School band and uniforms
- Didactic materials
- Computer Laboratory
- Science Laboratory
- Canteen
- Toilets
- Infrastructure etc.
- Generator
- sports equipments(jerseys, balls)

This is a picture of the toilet used by students of Government Secondary school Dikome Balue

Dormitories under construction

Aerial view
The primary and Nursery schools also face lots of difficulties ranging from lack
of Didactic materials, poor infrastructures, Teachers, poor waste disporsal and
so on.The toilets need to be completely changed to prevent accidents.
Aerial view
Basic needs for the Primary School:
- School band and Uniforms
- Sports equipments(handballs,footballs & jerseys)
- Toilets
- Infrastructure

Side view of Government Nursery school Dikome Balue

The above photo illustrates the External view of the Kitchen. It should be noted that the only source of energy available for cooking is firewood.

This is the toilet for the kids. Note the damaged wood covering and exposed surroundings.

Classroom for the Nursery. Notice the unprotected floor. This is a good breeding ground for fleas.
In a nutshell, the following are basic necessities for the running of the Nursery school:
- Cups, Spoons, Flasks
- Didactic materials
- Gas cooker and cylinder
- Infrastructure
- Cemented floor
- Toilet
- Pipe borne water
- Milk and multivitamins
- regular nurse
- In a nutshell, Education in Dikome Balue requires so much attention. There is need for alot of didactic materials and scholarships from donors and Government.